Avoid Load Balance 2

Resource Avoid Load Balance 2

Avoid Load Balance 2

This configuration shows the PCC balancing of 3 internet services. Within the compact file, multiple cases for applying Avoid Load Balance are explained and exemplified.

# Purchase to see the instructions, compact files and files:

Compact files:
* balanceador3servicios V6.4x
* balanceo 2 servicios V7.x
* avoidLoadBalance2

Buy for $ 5 USD
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Diego Matos 10/05/2022 11:05 hrs
Incluye FailOver?
Rodrigo Andrade 10/05/2022 12:05 hrs
Hola, el avoid load balance no tiene failover
Rodrigo Andrade 10/05/2022 12:05 hrs
Hola, el avoid load balance no tiene failover
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